Tips For The Newlyweds On Hosting A Party In The Comfort Of Your Own Home

Planning a party in your own home can be stressful, but doesn’t have to be!

I’d like to share a few tips with you to make your next party a success!

Tip #1: The five P’s. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance
It is extremely important to be prepared, give yourself plenty of time to plan. Take time and think ahead about what type of event it is you want to host, how many people will attend and confirm the date early on for a successful event at home.

Tip #2: Space
Think about the space that you have to host your event and make sure to plan accordingly. Try to moving furniture or hide furniture in unused rooms. Clear off kitchen counters, store items in cabinets, you’ll need counter space. Always make sure your dishwasher is empty and ready to be filled. If the party is during the winter be sure you’ve emptied your coat closet to make room for guest coats.

Tip #3: Budget
Determine a budget and stick to it. Dressing your table with items from your home is the best way to personalize your party. Use fresh cuttings from your yard to enhance store bought flowers.

Tip# 4: Menu
Create a menu on paper. On the day of the party day hang it where you can refer to it. Add the “fire times” (when to put an item in the oven) next to each item, this will keep you on schedule. A menu is also helpful when creating your shopping list. Your menu should consist of items you’re comfortable preparing, and items that you can prepare the day before, so on the party day you just heat and serve.

Tip #5 Don’t Be Shy
Asking guests to bring an appetizer or something to drink is perfectly acceptable. Many times people will not come to your home empty handed, so assigning everyone something will avoid an abundance of a particular item.

Tip #6: The Clean-Up
Clean up isn’t all that bad if you’re organized before the party. If you’ve followed these suggestions, you’re dishwasher will be empty (step #2), so load it up, run it after guests leave. Leave dirty items soaking in the sink until you can empty and re-load the dishwasher. If you’re using disposable items, be sure you’ve chosen a spot, prior to your event, to put recyclables and garbage bags. Even the most organized host and hostess will have some post party cleaning to do, so pour yourself a drink, put on some music and you’ll be finished before you know it.

Tip #7: Time
Plan ahead, prepare as much as you can the day before and leave yourself enough time to get ready for your guests arrival. Have a set arrival time, but leave an open end time, remember this is in your home and you want everyone to feel comfortable.

I hope these tips are helpful to you! Always remember if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of hosting a party, relax, have a cocktail and call Merri-Makers.

Remember… Eat, Drink & Be Merri!

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